Ikigai Meets Captain Planet: A Journey to Building a Sustainable Future with GALLEHR

GALLEHR shares their journey of finding phamos in Germany, adopting ERPNext, and their commitment to sustainability and the environment.

 · 6 Minuten Lesezeit

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Defining your ikigai! Yes, speaking with Mr. Sebastian Gallehr, managing director of GALLEHR+PARTNER®, felt like deja vu in terms of ikigai philosophy. I've read Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. This book sought to uncover the secret to a fulfilling and worthwhile life by examining the interplay of passion, vocation, career, and mission. It directed readers through a narrative journey to uncover their distinctive ikigai, the Japanese concept for the sweet spot where one's talents, interests, and contribution to the world align.

Building GALLEHR+PARTNER® was Sebastian's ikigai. He was drawn to nature at a young age. The concept of renewable resources and obtaining natural powers for free blew his head. He believes that the human species, animals, and nature are all equal. Living in harmony and connecting with the environment as equals rather than distinct species is essential to him. nor better, nor worse, just equal.

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And the Captain Planet story continues

We talked about the power of wind, fire, water, and earth. And as this discussion began, the 90's cartoon Captain Planet was playing in my head. That is based on these powers, and they wanted to end the corruption, pollution, and other crises that were disturbing the living beings on this planet. I recall writing a blog post for Starfire Energy, which uses ERPNext; they were also open-source enthusiasts and shared the same ideology.

Sebastian is grateful that he was able to realize his dreams by pursuing a career of his choice, and that he was able to raise his family while also earning a living. His Ikigai moment had arrived! He is a 58-year-old expert who enjoys volunteering and advocating for environmental and health causes. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, and later moved to Braunschweig to study energy and process technology at the Technical University, where he graduated as a master engineer (Dipl.-Ing.). He jokes that now that his children are adults, he won't have to run after them and that when he's not working, he spends time with his wife. His retirement plan is to make music, he was extremely inspired by Miles Davis. Wait did I just spill one of his secrets? 🙂

Apart from running GALLEHR+PARTNER®, he volunteers at several organizations, including GCF - Global Climate Forum e.V, e5, European Business Council for Sustainable Energy, and others. He takes part in UNFCCC climate negotiations regularly and chairs the Eco-Innovation Panel (EuropeINNOVA).

GALLEHR+PARTNER® has established itself as a leading provider of climate protection, energy efficiency, and sustainable energy procurement services, with the goal of guiding the industry toward a competitive and climate-friendly future. Gallehr Sustainable Risk Management GmbH serves a large number of nationally and internationally renowned, including publicly traded, companies, primarily in the industrial, energy supply, agricultural, and aviation sectors. They have been active in the market since 2007 and have successfully contributed to over 150 companies.

A Two-Decade Rollercoaster: Transformations and Hiccups

Sebastian has faced numerous challenges over the last 20 years. To begin with, starting with no money made hiring experts for his customers difficult. So, in the beginning, he collaborated with freelancers, and some of them are still working with them. They eventually brought in their own team.

The industry was not prepared for change in 2005. They decided to assist industries in adhering to climate change regulations. This became a significant part of their business, and now, with increased interest in eco-friendly practices, they are able to provide complete transformation ideas.

Because there aren't many experienced people around, it's been difficult to find good partners and employees. As a result, they've been hiring young engineers from universities, resulting in a relatively young team. A persistent issue is that few female students find engineering in the energy industry appealing. They are working hard to achieve gender equality, but it is not easy. They now want to expand and have opened a second office in Wiesbaden. The challenge is maintaining team spirit and ensuring that everyone shares knowledge despite being in different offices.

Tech party

So, I asked him why he's all about open-source software, and he spilled the beans by showing off this cool list of self-hosted tools they use at his company. They've got ERPNext for project stuff, handling payments and invoices like a champ, and extensively use CRM and HR modules. Then there's OwnCloud for teamwork, Wekan for tasks, Bookstack for brainy stuff, matrix for chatting, Jitsi for videoconferences Asterisk for phone magic, and WireGuard for secure internet vibes. It's like a tech party with all these free and open tools making their work life awesome.

Sebastian explained that the core of open source and Linux is a promise for the future. Sustainability isn't just about the environment; it's a holistic approach. The key is freely sharing knowledge. When their ERP enterprise program needed a new captain after his partner left, he scoured the internet for options. After consulting experts, he discovered Odoo and ERPNext.

They chose ERPNext for its cost-effectiveness and flexibility. phamos, the ERPNext partner in Europe, guided them through implementation, and a meeting with Wolfram Schmidt - Founder of phamos gmbh provided deeper insights into the software and they built everything from scratch. On the other hand, Marcus Wiegand who works as a Software Developer in phamos, delved deeper and built the HR module for them.

Here, he made a lot of customizations for Employee Management, Shift Management, Attendance, Vehicle Management, Skill Management, Expense Claim (New) (Expense reimbursement), Praise, and Success Points.

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He feels that Wolfram Schmidt and the team have developed the documentation very well. It has been more than 9 months since they went live and the system is treating them well. There’s still a lot to be developed and customized And hence the journey with phamos is a long journey. He rated 8/10 to the team for doing commendable work.

Live right

In Sebastian's optimistic narrative, our journey on this peculiar planet unfolds like a story of promise and responsibility. Picture a future where, if we tread carefully, we discover the art of harmonious living amidst the quirks of our home. Sebastian envisions a world where every facet of our existence is seamlessly woven into the fabric of renewal and sustainability.

In this narrative, the protagonist isn't an individual but a collective human endeavor. Sebastian's tale is one of understanding, where the inhabitants of Earth, now numbering a whopping 8 billion, have collectively embarked on a quest to comprehend the delicate boundaries that frame our coexistence with the planet.

As the story unfolds, each person becomes a character contributing to a plot where mindful choices are the guiding stars. Renewable and sustainable practices aren't just buzzwords but the very pillars upon which this imagined society rests. Sebastian's vision sees the Earth transformed into a thriving haven where the rhythm of life aligns with the heartbeat of nature.

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Sebastian Gallehr - Managing Partner at GALLEHR+PARTNER®

Through his narrative, Sebastian beckons us to imagine a world where our shared commitment to balance and sustainability becomes the driving force. It's a story where the challenges of a growing population are met with ingenious solutions, where every decision is a plot twist steering us towards a future where the planet and its inhabitants thrive in a symbiotic dance of existence.

I resonate with his perspective, holding the strong belief that maintaining good health is a fundamental requirement for engaging with any software. I commend his support for open-source software, sharing the firm conviction that the future lies in open-source. I'm also pleased that phamos played a crucial role in assisting him with the technical and functional requirements of his organization.

GALLEHR+PARTNER® is a trademark registered in Germany by Sebastian Gallehr and refers to the services of the entrepreneurial network to which also belongs to Gallehr Sustainable Risk Management GmbH.

Ambareen Shaikh

Ambareen is a FOSS, Design, and Marketing enthusiast. She weaves stories at phamos.

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